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Ancla 1

Provisions, Decrees and Tax Resolutions product of Covid-19

Algunos de los aspectos o tendencias de como la tecnología ha venido influyendo y modificando el trabajo del profesional de la contabilidad son: ​

Law 34 of March 20, 2020. Amends Law 99 of 2019 on tax amnesty.

DE 251 of March 24, 2020. Adopts tax measures. Extension for payment of taxes to the DGI, extension to present the income statement, provisions on the estimate and CAIR.

Resolution 201-2401 of March 30, 2020. Extension of the deadline to present reports.

Resolution 201-2406 of April 6, 2020. Exception for the use of fiscal equipment.

Resolution 201-2416 of April 9, 2020. Extension to present ITBMS Declaration.

Resolution 201-2422 of April 27, 2020. Electronic request for Peace and Salvo from the DGI.

Resolution 201-2427 of May 4, 2020. Apply credit for ITBMS from withholding agents.

Resolution 201-2752 of May 25, 2020. Extension to submit Form 03.

DE 298 of May 27, 2020. Amends DE 251 and grants an extension for the presentation of income tax returns.

DE 81 of March 20, 2020. Suspension of employment contracts.

DE 71 of March 13, 2020 and DE 85 of April 2, 2020. Modification of the working day or schedule.

DE 95 of April 21, 2020 and DE 97 of May 29, 2020. First and second extension to suspension of employment contracts.

DE 96 of May 15, 2020. Labor process for the gradual reopening and reinstatement of suspended personnel.

Municipal Agreement No. 5 of March 19, 2020 and No. 6 of April 30, 2020. Exemption from payment of municipal tax and garbage fee to certain establishments.

Municipal Agreement No. 67 of March 17, 2020. Extension of the presentation of income statement.

Municipal Agreement No. 76 of March 24, 2020. Extension for the payment of taxes.

¿Esta su empresa aprovechando la tecnología y los beneficios de una contabilidad en la nube?

Cloud computing concept on computer keyboard.jpg
  • Trabajo remoto. Esta  tendencia tuvo su aceleración debido a la pandemia, y permite que los colaboradores trabajen a distancia                                   , incluyendo el jefe de contabilidad, quien desde la comodidad de su hogar y con ayuda de un software en la nube puede operar sin ninguna dificultad. 

  • Uso de Inteligencia artificial. La inteligencia artificial permite analizar grandes cantidades de datos en alta velocidad, esto aumenta la productividad de la empresa y genera información más precisa, lo que ayuda al contador hacer su tarea más facil e irse convitiendo en un asesor de la Administración.

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